DIY…yeah right.

Hopefully mine looks this good!

Hopefully mine looks this good!

I’ve always thought of myself as a very creative person, and I do love a good challenge. So whenever I see DIY projects, I am incredibly eager to give them a try (though they never quite end up looking how they are intended to look).

I’ve failed more times than I have succeeded in this DIY business, and I simply feel that maybe I’m not crafty-artsy-hipster enough to be worthy of DIY goodness.

However, I was stumblingupon (on stumbleupon….It’s a website. In case you didn’t know) and I saw the most simple/clean/elegant DIY project I’ve laid my eyes on, and I’ve decided to give this a try and DIM (it stands for DO-IT-MYSELF)!!!

This will be my make-it-or-break-it project for DIY.

WML!! (Stands for WISH ME LUCK..ugh)


p.s. Click on the photo to see the DIY beauty I’m raving about. It’s entitled Animal Menagerie (So magestic)!